Tuesday 15 November 2016

Service, Support and Success: November 2016 issue

Service, Support and Success is a monthly international journal for direct support professionals, published in Canada. Each issue features a single substantive article focussed on a practical aspect of direct support.

As more staff are recruited to support people with disabilities with funding from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, they will be interested in locating such good quality resources, to establish good practice, and as education and training resources.

The journal is available free via email subscription or through a website (link below). Here is the link to the latest issue:
Celine Parent, Tammy VanderWier, Elizabeth Wedderspoon, Service, Support and Success, Vol 5, Issue 11, November 2016
... What about if things change? What do we do if someone we support decides that they want to take a college class? Or join the local gym? How can we help them turn the unfamiliar into the familiar? How do we help them learn the routines and the social norms of this new place so that they can feel comfortable? ...

Answers to FAQ’s about the journal
1) The journal is intended to be widely distributed; you do not need permission to forward. You do need permission to publish in a newsletter or magazine.

2) You may subscribe by sending an email to dhingsburger@vitacls.org

3) We are accepting submissions. Email article ideas to either the address above or to anethercott@handstfhn.ca
4) We welcome feedback on any of the articles that appear here.

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