Friday 11 November 2016

Two media releases from the Assistant Minister for Disability Services, on aspects of carer support

Have your say on a new integrated carer support service system
Jane Prentice MP, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, 6 November 2016
The Coalition Government is calling for submissions on the draft Service Delivery Model for services to support and sustain the work of unpaid carers ... Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, Jane Prentice said the draft Service Delivery Model sets out a new integrated carer support system and outlines the types of services and how they are proposed to be delivered in the future ...

As part of the 2015-16 Budget, the Coalition Government announced the development of an Integrated Plan for Carer Support Services (the Plan) ... The second phase of the Plan involves developing a new integrated carer support service system through a co-design process.

Mrs Prentice said continued public consultation is important in ensuring the community has their say on the best way to deliver carer services and support ...

Feedback on the draft Service Delivery Model can be provided by participation in an online survey, or through making a written submission. The survey and submission process will be open from 6 November 2016 at 9am and will close on 15 December at 5pm.
Jane Prentice MP, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, 7 November 2016
The Coalition Government today announced the establishment of the National Disability and Carers Advisory Council.

The new Council brings together leaders from business and the disability and carer sectors, to provide advice on proposed policies and legislation affecting people with disability, carers and the sector that serves them.

Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services, Jane Prentice said the Council will provide advice on issues of strategic importance at a time of major reform in the disability and carer sectors.

“The Council will play an important role in helping to drive the implementation of the overarching National Disability Strategy 2010-20,” she said.

“It will also look at reforms in disability employment and carer support, and the full roll-out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, including the interfaces with mainstream services.”

“Members represent every state and territory as well as business and the disability and carer sector, and advocates.

“I will co-chair the Council with Ms Keran Howe, who is well respected as a strong advocate in the sector and who has lived experience,” she said.

The Council will meet formally at least twice a year and establish working groups and community consultations as needed.
  • The National Disability and Carers Advisory Council members are listed here.

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