Friday 2 December 2016

Weekend reading and viewing: 3 - 4 December 2016

Lizzy Leggat, DSA (UK) Journal #133, Spring/Summer 2016
When I’m asked what it was like growing up with a sister who has Down’s syndrome, I have often directed people to Emily Pearl Kingsley’s piece ‘Welcome to Holland’, which delivers a very nice analogy from a parent’s perspective. However, as time goes on I realise that it does not detail a sibling’s experience and that there may, therefore, be a gap in the metaphorical market for a piece that does ...
  • There are more excellent articles in this issue of the DSA Journal, and back issues can be downloaded here.
Self talk
Adult Down Syndrome Clinic, posted on Facebook, 20 November 2016
People with Down syndrome frequently talk to themselves.  We have long believed that for our patients this was a method of learning, a coping strategy, a method of amusement when bored, developmentally appropriate and/or other functions.  Uses and benefits are being recognized in those without Down syndrome as well.  This article below shared by Dr. Dominiak reports some interesting findings:
It turns out – people who talk to themselves aren’t crazy, they’re geniusesGrayson Berman, Sharably, 6 September 2016
Studies show that talking to yourself can make you learn more quickly, think more efficiently, and boost long term memory ... Many experts and studies have actually done research in order to see how talking to yourself helps. Here’s the top five ways, all backed up by science ...
  • For or more information on self talk in people with Down syndrome, look under Mental Health on the Adult Down Syndrome Center's web page.
A Father’s Speech to the Diocese of Providence 
Kevin Alviti, Down Syndrome News, Vol 39, #2, Summer 2016
... The greatest gift that my wife ever gave me was the ability to process this news on my own, at my own pace. Not once during this process did my wife say to me, “I am going to have this baby with or without you”  ...
The Pressure Of Perfection Shouldn't Apply To Children
Rachel Wong, Huffungton Post (Australian ed), 1 December 2016
Doctors shouldn't talk in worst case scenarios to mothers of children with Down syndrome. We are all for diversity these days, are we not? Identity is sacred and inclusiveness is the official word on people with disabilities. So why is every effort being made to eliminate certain people with a difference before they are born?

Doctor Notes: Stop portraying childhood disability as tragic or inspirational
Barbara Gibson, Toronto Star, 28 November 2016
By actually listening to disabled people, we realize they are “disabled by” their worlds more than by their bodily differences ...

Digby Webster and Nathan Basha screened their film Heartbreak and Beauty at a special event put on by The Guardianship Division of the NSW Department of Justice, in celebration of International Day of People with Disabilities. 

A very cool crowd included Screen NSW's Courtney Gibson (CEO) and Tracey Corbin-Matchett. Digby and Nathan did a great job answering questions on a panel and advocating for people with disabilities.

Heartbreak and Beauty was made by Bus Stop Films, who also provided the opportunity to present it at the Guardianship Division.

Photo used with the permission of Bus Stop Films.

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