Tuesday 24 January 2017

Free webinar series: Stepping Stones Triple P

Are you a parent / carer of a child with Down syndrome? 

As part of the Stepping Stones Triple P Project, Down Syndrome NSW invites all parents of children with Down syndrome aged 2 to 12 to attend the following FREE parenting webinar series

Seminar 1: Positive Parenting for Children With a Disability 
Positive parenting is an effective approach to raising children that emphasises the positive. It involves creating a family environment that is loving, supportive and predictable. This is important in raising healthy, well-adjusted children who will reach their potential and have rewarding relationships with others. Positive parenting reduces the stress of parenting and makes it more enriching and enjoyable.
Wednesday 8th of March 2017, 12pm - 1.30pm
Seminar 2: Helping Your Child Reach Their Potential 
All children need to develop skills to help them become independent, to get on with others and to reach their potential. While children can pick up some skills simply by watching others, children with disabilities often need a more structured approach. This seminar focuses on how to teach children important new skills and behaviours by following six key steps.
Wednesday 15th of March 2017, 12pm - 1.30pm

Seminar 3: Changing Problem Behaviour into Positive Behaviour 
Children with disabilities are more at risk than others of developing problem behaviours. These behaviours can interfere with their growth and development and can be disruptive for the family as a whole. This seminar provides ideas on understanding why a particular behaviour is occurring and practical suggestions for how to promote alternative behaviour.
Wednesday 22nd of March 2017, 12pm - 1.30pm
Seminars will be delivered online, via Webinar so that they can be viewed by parents and carers across Australia.

More information and instructions for how to access the Webinar will be provided once you register for the seminars.

RSVP by 7th March 2017: As these programs are being funded as part of a research project please contact the research team to register your interest:
Phone: 02 9114 4060
Email: fhs.Steppingstones@sydney.edu.au

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