Monday 23 January 2017


Why The Publishing Industry Can’t Get Disability Right
By Alaina Leary, The Establishment, 17 November 2016
... there aren’t enough portrayals of disability in the stories we publish, the stories we read. We have one or two “typical” stories, usually steeped in pity, and people aren’t being exposed to anything else.

And it’s affecting all of us. It affected the way many of my abled classmates perceived my protagonist that afternoon, and it affected the way I, as a disabled writer, felt about including these stories in my work, and having the diversity of the disability experience validated ...

Catia Malaquias, Speech at National Disability Services WA, for International Day of People With Disability, 2 December 2016
... as a non-disabled person invited on this stage, I would like to acknowledge people with disability for allowing me to speak to their context and on this day ... 

... to really understand the mission of Starting with Julius, we need to look back longer, to a time long before Julius. A time when attitudes to people like my son, were largely driven by fear, ignorance and even superstition. When people with disability were routinely kept apart from the rest of society and denied the most fundamental human rights – including rights to family, education, work and community ...

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