Thursday 19 January 2017

Voice subscription and selected articles online

Voice is the journal of Down Syndrome Australia, published in May, August and December. Subscription to the print edition of the national journal is included in the membership fees of state and territory associations. 

Subscriptions and access to selected articles are now available more widely.

You can now take advantage of a new feature and subscribe online. The target readership is member families of state and territory associations but the publication is expected to also be of interest to practitioners and professionals whose work brings them into contact with individuals with Down syndrome.

Selected articles online
After each publication is released, some favourite articles will now be featured on the DSA website, giving you access to them wherever you are, and making it easier to share those articles with others.

For example, from the July 2016 issue of Voice, one of the articles released online is Rachel Kroes's (Executive Officer, Down Syndrome Association NT), Sharing the journey - travelling outback:
... The key to development of services and growth in understanding about Down syndrome in Aboriginal culture is to visit often, as communities are well aware of the many services that appear and then disappear. One needs to be consistent, seek out the same people, follow a similar routine each visit and be open to the total unpredictability of remote life. Then, quietly, respect and trust solidifies. Hearts and conversation open and we hear such similar concerns and fears as confided to us by our families in urban Darwin. The geography is immaterial – these mums and dads express their love and concern for their children in ways similar yet unimaginable to city dwellers ...

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