Friday 27 January 2017

Weekend reading: 28 - 29 January 2017

... Some new friends from her kindergarten class joined us this year as well as friends we’ve known since she was tiny, and watching her take her place in her little village made me so happy. This year, she’s bloomed socially in a remarkable way, and where she used to quietly hide behind us or shy away from interacting with larger groups, she’s now owning her space, comfortable and confident to shine her little light on her own. It’s my greatest wish for her – always own your space, girl; shine your light. You got this ...
Kelle Hampton, Enjoying the Small Things
23 January 2017

When my daughter Sophie was diagnosed with Down syndrome at four days old, the last thing I wanted to do was read a book about it. I couldn’t look at so much as a pamphlet. It was an odd response for a journalist — but for a long time I couldn’t bear to do much more than hold my baby and watch bad TV and cry and, eventually, let her teach me herself about Down syndrome. 
That said, there was a lot more to learn, so it’s a good thing my husband is also a journalist, and had a different response. He was in the hospital library from Day One ...
Amy Silverman, Friendship Circle
18 January 2017

Cátia Malaquias is a lawyer, disability advocate and the founder and director of Starting With Julius, a Western Australian based project promoting the inclusion of people with disability in media, advertising and beyond ...
Wendy Williams, Probono Australia News
23 January 2017

Through this paper, NSW Council of Intellectual Disability Chairperson, Michael Sullivan identifies language as a key area on which we need to concentrate where action and thoughts are reflected. Language can shape, although we can be much more precise about language ...
Michael Sullivan, NSW Council for Intellectual Disability
24 January 2017

In my mind I'm going after ableist and disphobic assumptions about people with disabilities. In my mind I'm educating people about who people with disabilities are and the lives we lead.
But that's not what I'm doing is it? Every defence that I use, buys into their measuring stick about what it is to be a person of value ...
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect
19 January 2017

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