Friday 13 January 2017

Weekend reading and viewing: 14 - 15 January 2017

I may not be much for words - but I got much to say
A music video, posted on Facebook by Open Future Learning on 12/13 January 2017
' ... in the end we're all or none free ...'

Adam's Notepad, 5 January 2017
... We’ve heard a lot of different things from a lot of different people. While some of those things have been less than helpful, some of them have been very beneficial and encouraging. It’s not surprising that some of the most helpful comments I have heard came from the parents of children with Down syndrome. I’d like to share some of that wisdom with you ...

Am I Doing It Right?: Special Needs and Siblings
Kelle Hampton, Enjoying the Small Things, 12 January 2017
... Do all siblings protect their toys and ward off any who dare get in their space? Of course. But in Nella’s case, interactive play with siblings and engaging communication that helps deepen sibling bonds is definitely more of a challenge and one that’s become more recognizable this year, especially between her and Lainey. It requires our family’s attention and support in creatively nurturing what we know is there–loyalty and a love so deep, you can’t even describe it ...

The Baby After My Baby with Special Needs ...
Happy Soul Project, November 2015
...I'm kinda thankful for having my last baby, after a baby with special needs. It's making everything more intense but it's also making me more grateful, more aware of every passing moment and more appreciative of what we've been through and what an absolute gift every baby and every day really is ...

“Mom, when is this Down syndrome going to be over?”
Phillip C Clarke, 3 November 2016
.... Sarah looked at my mom with tears in her eyes and said, “Mom, when is this Down syndrome going to be over? I don’t like it.” We all had tears in our eyes after hearing Sarah express her frustration. I realized that I had never truly understood just how aware she was ...

'Devil Boy': Down's syndrome in Sierra Leone
Olivia Acland, Aljazeera, 2 January 2017
In a country that demonises mental disabilities, a mother recalls the journey of her community's acceptance and remorse.

"I" versus "He"
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect, 12 January 2017
... "Thanks for showing me how to do it!" he said. He was about to speak again but before he could, the worker with him said, "Do you wear gloves to help you, I didn't see?" I was about to answer when he spoke, his voice softly frustrated, "I was going to ask you what kind of gloves you are using ..." he'd obviously noticed my glove. Her voice entered again, "He's looking for a good set of gloves to use." His face closed down as she spoke ...

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