Wednesday 8 February 2017

Livin' the Dream: California, July 2017

The 2016 Convention issue of
Down Syndrome News gives
an overview of last year's event.

It might be a long shot for most of us, but the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) annual convention, which moves around US locations each summer, is a highly regarded event that attracts an international audience. 

So if you are planning to be in North America around the middle of the year, it could be a worthwhile consideration for your itinerary. Or it might be a starting point for a travel plan. Proceedings are made available for purchase after the event. Plans for the 2017 convention are well advanced:

Livin’ The Dream 
45th (US) National Down Syndrome Congress Annual Convention
20 - 23 July 2017 - Sacramento, California
Each year, thousands of people from across the globe attend the NDSC Annual Convention. For most, it’s to hear the latest information from world-renowned experts. For others, it’s a great vacation. However, for nearly all, there’s the one-of-a-kind NDSC “giant family reunion” feeling that permeates the convention weekend.

  • PARENTS learn from the best, as internationally known experts come to Sacramento to share their knowledge across the life span of individuals with DS.
  • SELF ADVOCATES join together with over 300 friends from across the world to learn, share, become empowered and have an amazing time!
  • SIBLINGS share and learn alongside peers, from each other, as well as from professionals.
  • VOLUNTEERS have the experience of a lifetime by volunteering in an number of capacities available.

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