Tuesday 14 February 2017

Representation of people with disability

Vogue’s “Diversity Cover” – The View from the First FloorCatia Malaquias, Starting with Julius, February 2017
The Vogue cover disappointingly reflects the narrow prism through which ‘high-fashion’, and much of the fashion and advertising worlds, continue to see and reflect ‘human diversity’, which seems increasingly at odds with what many consumers would like to see reflected even on the glossy pages of fashion magazines ...

#ShePersisted: She Has a Disability and She Persisted, TooMeriah Nichols, Meriahnichols.com, 9 February 2017
These are images of powerful, resilient, strong, fierce fighters of women’s rights, education, sexual and racial equality. But where are the disabled fighters in that image?

Do the disabled fighters exist?

On the ‘right’ way to be disabled
Paniz Khosroshahy, McGill Daily, 6 February 2017
... Currently the only examples we have in our media is either the promotion of elite sports for Paralympics, or representations where a disabled person is either a villain, or lonely, never a romantic interest, or they’re evil, or they want to end their life because that’s how bad having a disability is. They would rather not exist than have a disability. This type of media representation leads people to assume that [disabled people] can’t do anything so when you can make it into university or go grocery shopping they’re surprised that you can do normal everyday tasks ...

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