Friday 10 February 2017

Weekend reading: 11 - 12 February 2017

... This summer my family took the week-long hike for 120 kilometres along the ‘Camino Ingles’ (the ‘English Way’) with up to 14 kg of weight on our backs. This is quite a hike for most people, as I can say from experience, but for none among us was it harder at times then for my younger sister Vivian, a thirteen year old girl with Down’s syndrome. Far from being a hindrance, however, my sister proved to be somewhat of an inspiration ... 
Corey Novis, DSA Journal (UK) 131

Spring/Summer 2015, p 34

2016, you were a tough teacher, but you made me fight. you made me better. you pushed me to live a big brave life. 2017, i hope you’re ready for me.
Still Learning
31 December 2016

Eighty three years young, Armidale’s Ruth Blanch shows no signs of stopping her crucial community work any time soon. Member for Northern Tablelands Adam Marshall recently presented Ruth with the Premier’s Volunteer Award, celebrating 25 years of volunteering experience for a myriad of community groups across the region. 
Ruth’s son Greg is a capable sportsperson with Down syndrome. When the Special Olympics arrived in the region, she knew she had to get involved. 
"He’s quite elite at sport, good at swimming,” Mrs Blanch said. “It was on a personal level that I started – but to see the joy and sense of success that it brings to people with a disability – it just makes it so worthwhile ..."
The Armidale Express
2 February 2017
People with Down syndrome frequently talk to themselves.  We have long believed that for our patients this was a method of learning, a coping strategy, a method of amusement when bored, developmentally appropriate and/or other functions.  Uses and benefits are being recognized in those without Down syndrome as well.  This article below shared by Dr. Dominiak reports some interesting findings:
It turns out – people who talk to themselves aren’t crazy, they’re geniusesGrayson Berman, Sharably, 6 September 2016
Studies show that talking to yourself can make you learn more quickly, think more efficiently, and boost long term memory ... Many experts and studies have actually done research in order to see how talking to yourself helps. Here’s the top five ways, all backed up by science ...
  • For or more information on self talk in people with Down syndrome, look under Mental Health on the Adult Down Syndrome Center's web page.
Self talk
Adult Down Syndrome Clinic

... I don't have to have a team stand around and discuss whether or not, after breakfast I NEED a pear. They may think that I only WANT a pear and that they are there to meet NEEDS not WANTS and therefore I can't have my pear until 10 o'clock because that's 'his routine' ...
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect
6 February 2017

... we recognise that the experience of people with intellectual disability in NSW is not unique. 
We are keen to see a national effort to close the gap in the disparity in health outcomes between people with intellectual disability and the general population. The National Disability Strategy — and strong governance arrangements for the implementation of the strategy in states and territories — provides a useful mechanism. 
It is simply unacceptable that people with intellectual disability in our community are dying from preventable causes at over twice the rate as other Australians. We must close this gap.
  • Professor John McMillan is the acting NSW Ombudsman. Steve Kinmond is the Deputy Ombudsman.
Professor John McMillan and Steve Kinmond
ABC News, 9 February 2017

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