Friday 24 February 2017

Weekend reading and viewing: 25 - 26 February 2017

... A woman with Down Syndrome that I met a few years ago is getting married. I was so happy for her and immediately wrote my congratulations. She's a lovely woman, will make a lovely bride and the groom, a man I do not know, is a very lucky man ... It was almost a day later when I realized that, for the first time, the news of a person with an intellectual disability getting engaged and looking forward to marriage, was just news. It wasn't long ago that any announcement of any kind of romantic relationship between those with intellectual disabilities would stop me in my tracks ...
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect
18 February 2017

The world's oldest living man with Down's syndrome has celebrated his 77th birthday in a care home near Yeovil ...
JoshFordham, Somerset Live 
21 February 2017

Recently, while I was giving a presentation on Down syndrome to a class of 7th graders, a student asked me, “Is there anything that people with Down syndrome are extra good at? Like, better than your average person?” 
My mind raced through how to use the last 90 seconds of class time to answer in a way that was in line with both the social model of disability and the settin: science class. This wasn’t an intimate conversation with a friend where I could speak anecdotally or philosophically for half an hour about my thoughts on the subject. This was a good question that I wasn’t ready to answer ...
Lauren Smith-Donohoe,  Disability Justice
22 February 2017

... (Dr Brian) Skotko is a leading researcher in this field and wants to give families accurate information.

He said about 125 expecting parents in Massachusetts each year decide to terminate after learning their child would be born with Down Syndrome. About 94 children are born in the state annually who have with Down syndrome.
"Down syndrome today is not Down syndrome yesterday. And that's not because the genetics has changed at all. It's because our society has changed," he said ...
Fox 25 Boston, 22 February 2017

... Brilliantly directed by Israeli filmmaker Yonatan Nir, the genesis of the project began with co-producer Enosh Cassel, who eventually initiated the concept. He wanted to get closer to his brother Hannan, who has Down syndrome, and decided to take him on a journey to Nepal. On his return to Israel, he was contacted by other families with Down syndrome siblings who wanted to have the same experience. Eventually, plans were formulated for a group of siblings – Down and their non-Down brother or sister – to embark on a two-week trek through the Himalayas. That unbelievable experience became this extraordinary film ...
Beverly Cohn, LA West Media
16 February 16, 2017
  • One to watch out for in film festival programs

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