Friday 3 February 2017

Weekend reading and viewing: 4 - 5 February 2017

Studies suggest as special needs parents we’re more likely to struggle with mental health issues, yet this is something that is really hard to talk about. Nobody wants to be the one dealing with depression, anxiety, or trauma, but we do. This is a conversation we need to have. Sometimes we need help. Sometimes we need to know that we are not alone, and other people struggle too ...
Ellen Stumbo
29 January 2017

In New Delhi, India a baby received multiple injections of human embryonic stem cells as an experimental treatment for Down syndrome. Any ethical issues here?

They are legion ...
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing
25 January 2017

... Learning to Drive is not, on the face of it, about learning to drive. At first it appears to be, as Michael (Connor Long) has shown an obvious desire to drive since he was a toddler, as the opening ‘home cinema’ shots show us. But he seems to be thwarted by people assuming that, as a twenty-year old man with Down Syndrome, he is incompetent to do so ...
Alison Wilde, Disability Arts Online

I was recently invited to speak to a room of commissioners for services for people with learning disabilities in England. This is a pretty rare event for me these days and so I was keen to make the most of the opportunity.I called my talk ‘Who Put Out the Fire?’ and I wanted to talk about why there no longer seems to be any significant passion or momentum for inclusion or for further deinstitutionalisation. I do not mean that nobody is doing good work. As ever, there are brilliant people doing wonderful things across our communities. But overall the passion that used to exist to bring about positive change has evaporated. In fact, in some places, we see things going into reverse. 
We are at a moment of change ...
Simon Duffy
19 January 2017

The Indiana Governor's Council for People with Disabilities marks Disability Awareness Month throughout March.

... The 2017 Disability Awareness month campaign theme is "I'm Not Your Inspiration." Often, people with disabilities who are successful, athletic, employed or simply good neighbors are put in the spotlight as inspiration to others. This year's campaign theme emphasizes that people with disabilities are people first - people who want to be fully included in their communities, just like everyone else ...
This is one of a series of posters, and other artwork supporting the theme. The campaign is local, but the message is universal.

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