Thursday 23 March 2017

NSW parliamentary forum on health discrimination

Call to action from NSW Council for Intellectual Disability:
 Help us strike while the iron is hot to keep disability health in the political spotlight. 
Thanks to your support we have been able to organise a Parliamentary Forum, which will focus on the very high rates of preventable deaths for people with intellectual disability. The forum will be held on Friday 31 March at 12 noon in Parliament House.
The Minister for Disability Services, Hon Raymond Williams will address the forum, as will the Shadow Ministers for Health and Disability.
Your local MP has received an invitation, but we need your voice to ensure they attend the event. The more politicians we have there, the more pressure there will be on the government to act. 
The event is little more than a week away, so we need you to phone or email them right now, to lock it into their calendar. 

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