Friday 3 March 2017

Weekend reading: 4 - 5 March 2017

Have you been wondering who the gorgeous kids are in the 2017 World Down Syndrome Day banner  on the Down Syndrome Australia website
Wil Schwagermann and Lily McCain are schoolmates from WA who love playdates and sleepovers, and say they will be 'best friends forever'. 
The West Australian published this article about them last October. 
Wil recently won the Best and Less Talent Search, so look out for him in their catalogues soon. 
Down Syndrome Australia, 28 February 2017 

Fewer Scottish women are terminating pregnancies following a Down's syndrome diagnosis, according to research ... Researchers said the findings might reflect changes in attitudes. 
... Down's Syndrome Scotland said: "We cautiously welcome these results but note that they cover the period 2000-2011 and would hope that a further study could be conducted, when data is available, to ascertain if this trend is continuing ...
BBC Glasgow and West Scotland
1 March 2017

... Providing a visual schedule allows your child to see what is going to happen in their day. My son, Nick is 22 years old and has Down syndrome and autism. Visual schedules provide many benefits for him to travel smoothly, through his daily routine ...
Down Syndrome with a Slice of Autism 
12 December 2016

More than 150 people living with a disability will march in this year’s Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras parade, marking a record number for the event.
Matthew Wade, Star Observer 
1 March 2017

... Australia’s immigration laws require migrants to be screened for medical conditions. This is to prove they will not be a “burden” on the community, specifically its health services. Children are most affected by this policy, as costs are calculated over a lifetime.
For someone found to be “burdensome”, the outcome isn’t always as positive as for Sumaya and the Baniks. A dozen or so families or their disabled members are deported from Australia every year ...
Ruth Balint, The Conversation
2 March 2017 

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