Wednesday 15 March 2017

#World Down Syndrome Day 2017 – Day 15

This year Down Syndrome Australia is celebrating #MyVoiceMyCommunity with the international Down syndrome community. Join us as we count down to  21 March with 21 stories of inclusion and personal success.

When Sam was born, 18 years ago to be exact, I felt as if it was a complete disaster. That my life as I knew it had ended and it was going to be utter misery from now on. My family are all in England and I only knew one person here who had a child with a disability. I felt incredibly alone. 
... On the weekend we celebrated Sam’s 18th with a party of over 80 people. I was able to tell our friends and family that, yes, when Sam was born I was devastated. I wish that I had known then what I know now – happiness in spades. And I must admit there were lots of tears, surprise and laughter when I spoke about our journey with Sam which all started with him arriving in the back seat of the car! ... read the whole story here.

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