Friday 17 March 2017

#World Down Syndrome Day 2017 – Day 17

This year Down Syndrome Australia is celebrating #MyVoiceMyCommunity with the international Down syndrome community. Join us as we count down to  21 March with 21 stories of inclusion and personal success.

My name is Peita and I am 35 years old. I have been in the Down Syndrome NSW Up! Club since it started in 2001. It has been a great social outlet for many young people with Down syndrome. Over the years we have had many wonderful leaders who have organised outings for us such as movies, camps, dinners at the pub and cruise holidays. Next year our leader Flavio hopes to take us to the Melbourne Cup. How exciting that would be! 
Apart from the Up! Club I am involved in two local groups. I am also employed full time and leave home at 7.30 am and return home at 6.00 pm, so life is busy. I have been at my job for 16 years and enjoy it very much. I work with a wonderful group of people and am supported by Jobsupport NSW, so between my work and my social life with family and friends I am very busy ... you can also read Peita's story here.

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