Tuesday 21 March 2017

#World Down Syndrome Day 2017 – Day 21

This year Down Syndrome Australia is celebrating #MyVoiceMyCommunity with the international Down syndrome community. Join us as we count down to  21 March with 21 stories of inclusion and personal success.

... nine years on, I wish I could go back in time and talk to the terrified mummy I was. I would softly tell myself – it is going to be okay. There is nothing to be scared of. Your daughter will develop her milestones, she will talk and sing, she will have friends, she will love swimming, she will go to mainstream school and be involved in extra-curricular activities, she will have her own personality and talents, she will have a vivid imagination, she will learn independent life skills, and she will bring much joy to your family and others around you. You will love her ... read the whole story here.
Today is World Down Syndrome Day. We hope you have enjoyed the stories and photos we have been sharing as much as we have. Visit this page to see and share all 21 stories.

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