Wednesday 31 May 2017

People with Down syndrome

Woman with Down syndrome addresses United Nations: ‘I have a right to live’
Nancy Flanders, Live Action News, 27 May 2017
After watching the documentary “A World Without Down Syndrome,” 21-year-old Charlotte Helene Fien, who has Down syndrome and autism, wrote a speech about her right to life that she would later read in front of the United Nations ...
Cindi Rich, Bethesda Magazine, May-June 2017
The Kensington teen is busy with cheerleading, homework and hanging out with friends—things her parents weren't sure she'd ever do ...

Capturing the Moment: Starlings in Rome
David Kenward Photography, 19 May 2017

When I watched the film of the starlings in Rome in Planet Earth II I really wanted to go and see them and see if I could take some photos of them. So I went with my brother Chris, Nathan and best friend Josh. This is the beautiful film my brother Chris made of the weekend. We had great fun, I hope you like it ...
‘Not just a job, he’s got a career!’ says Mum as son with DS lands sought after science careerHR News, 18 May 2017
As talent shortages persist, employers cannot afford to ‘write off’ any group of potential workers, yet it is significantly harder for adults with learning disabilities to obtain work than almost any other client group. Individuals with Down’s syndrome battle misperceptions about their capabilities and often can’t even get an interview ...

Children’s Hospital Employee With Down Syndrome Inspires Doctors, Patients
Paul Burton, Boston CBS Local,16 May 2017
Anyone interested in the secret to success should take a lesson out of Nathan Simons’ playbook. Nathan is the first full time employee with Down syndrome at Boston Children’s Hospital.

“I just love it! I love the people who come here and give good feedback,” Simons said ...

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