Friday 2 June 2017

Weekend reading and listening: 3 - 4 June 2017

When I first started teaching sexuality education, I focused on people with disabilities, the parents and carers of people with disabilities, and professionals who worked with people with disabilities. I truly loved my work. When I moved back to the United States, I attempted to bring that work with me, pitching various disability support organizations around Chicago to teach sexuality education. The best response I got was...let’s call it polite disinterest ...
Kim Cavill, Chicago Now
23 May 2017

... Perhaps because of some of the early beliefs that people with developmental disabilities are nonsexual, they have not had access to appropriate and adequate sexual education. Sex education, within the typical population, is gradually shifting from being based on the assumption of heterosexuality to being more inclusive. But even the discussions around these shifts have not occurred to the same extent in the service-providing sector for people with developmental disabilities ...
Speaking OUT: Understanding Sexuality and Diversity in 
LGBTQ+ Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Megan Abou Chacra, Yona Lunsky and Dave Hingsburger, 
International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, Volume 6, Issue 6 
June 2017

... It took me this long to realize that my fellow parents are only part of the puzzle and they can only offer me so much peace of mind. Only people who live with Down syndrome can walk me through what it feels like. 
Oh, but that’s ok, we tell ourselves. We justify our non-involvement of people with Down syndrome by saying we are having private conversations or that we are talking about things only parents can understand. Let me be clear: these things are ok and good and helpful. The problem starts when we don’t leave that bubble, or react with anger when disabled voices encroach on that bubble ...
Melissa Stolz, Two Thirds of the Planet
12 January 2016

... When she got to the cashier she pulled out her money and gave it over. Here's the amazing thing. It's a small thing. But it's a huge thing too. During the time she was paying, and accepting the change, and putting it back into her purse, she never looked to him. She didn't look for approval. She didn't look in fear of having made a mistake. She didn't look to him for a cue of any kind. She just did what was needed to be done and then picked up her tray and moved on, going ahead, while he paid, to select a table ...
Dave Hingsburger, Of Battered Aspect 
20 May 2017

Comic book fans are very attached to their universe, but are they ready for a superhero with a disability? A new comic, Superb, debuts in July featuring a character with Down syndrome. Author Sarah Kanake's brother has Down syndrome and she's written a novel featuring a main character with the condition. Hilary Harper talked to her on Saturday Breakfast ... (8m 24s audio file)
Hilary Harper, Saturday Breakfast (ABC Radio Melbourne)
27 May 2017

#7 “ People with disabilities are an unfortunate drain on society.”

The Facts: Considering the ways society limits the lives of people with disabilities, it’s the other way around: society is a drain on people with disabilities. 
Significant contributions made by people with special needs to our communities are well documented.
Tim Villegas, Think Inclusive, 13 January 2015

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