Address details

Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Monday, 31 August 2015

National Literacy and Numeracy Week

Following logically from Children's Book Week last week, this week is National Literacy and Numeracy Week:

Down Syndrome Education International has researched the development of literacy and numeracy in students with Down syndrome for many years, producing a range of resources to support both student learning and teaching practice for best outcomes.  This month DSE is offering webinars introducing their latest resource on numeracy:
Introducing See and Learn Numbers 
This online event discusses the development of number skills for children with Down syndrome and introduces DSE's new See and Learn Numbers apps and resources. See and Learn Numbers is the latest addition to DSE’s teaching resources for children with Down syndrome.

Most children with Down syndrome find learning about numbers a particular challenge. Basic number skills are important in everyday life, yet surveys suggest that many teenagers and adults with Down syndrome are unable to work out the correct change when using money or calculate using numbers up to 100 ...
from Down Syndrome Education International
The web page about these online events includes a facility to locate appropriate times for international time zones, such as this one for Australian Eastern Time:

Visit this page on the DSE website for information and links to book for events about speech, language and reading learning, instruction and resources.

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