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Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

News and commentary on the NDIS (38)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has been the subject of much news and commentary recently, both in disability circles and in the general media.  There have been major announcements on its rollout and a review of the NDIS Act, and questions about oversight of the implementation of the NDIS in the wake of the Federal leadership and Cabinet changes:

Our blog posts on the NDIS roll-out announcement, and links to further information are here and here.

Full rollout of the NDIS
Down Syndrome Australia, 15 September 2015
Down Syndrome Australia has today congratulated the Federal, NSW and Victorian governments on the signing of the bi-lateral agreements, which will secure the full rollout of the NDIS.

“Today’s ceremony is the first in what we hope will be many – that will allow all people with disability throughout Australia to access the scheme. The rest of Australia should be in no doubt about the importance of today to people with disability,” Down Syndrome Australia CEO Ruth Webber said.

Sky News,17th September 2015
Kelli Gowland and Joy Batholomew, both members of Down Syndrome Association ACT, tell Sky News what the full rollout of the NDIS will mean for their families on the occasion of the signing of the bi-lateral funding agreements between the Federal Government and the Victorian and New South Wales Governments.

Malcolm Turnbull's new ministry: People with disabilities risk losing their 'voice' with loss of dedicated portfolio
Jane Lee, Sydney Morning Herald, 21st September 2015
People with disabilities risk losing their voice in Parliament as a result of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's decision to remove a dedicated disabilities portfolio from his cabinet, advocates say.

Mr Turnbull has shaken up the responsibilities for social services, promoting Senator Mitch Fifield - who was formerly an assistant minister responsible for disabilities and the aged care system – to become the Communications and Arts Minister. Mr Fifield was also responsible for overseeing the roll-out of the National Disabilities Insurance Scheme (NDIS) ...

Independent review of the NDIS Act, 15th September 2015
The Australian Government has commissioned an independent review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), as required under Section 208 of the NDIS Act. In accordance with this legislative requirement, the Commonwealth and state and territory disability ministers have agreed that Ernst & Young (EY) conduct the review.
Purpose and scope of the review

The purpose of the review is to assess the operation of the NDIS legislative framework (comprising the NDIS Act and the NDIS Rules) and develop recommendations as to whether any improvements can be made to better support the objectives and principles of the NDIS Act. The Terms of Reference for the review, as agreed by Ministers ...
  • Closing date for submissions: 9th October 2015

Unveiling NDIS Housing Funding Principles
Luke Bo’sher, Pro Bono News, 22nd September 2015
This announcement has been a long time coming. Governments have never publicly released an official housing strategy. The announcement has very important information in it that sets the foundations for how NDIS accommodation will work. The flesh will be put on the bones of these principles in a more detailed strategy that will come out by December 2015.

The six principles announced by the Prime Minister and State Premiers build on the NDIA’s previously presentations on housing.

Disability Loop e-News, #7, 11/9/2015

Added 23/09/2015:

Disability Loop e-News, #8, 23/9/2015

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