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Down Syndrome NSW
Level 6/410 Church St, North Parramatta
9am-5pm Monday - Thursday
T: 9841 444

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Library Shelf
Two new titles that will be useful for families with children starting at new schools this year:

Explaining Down Syndrome
Angela Royston, Franklin Watts Publishers
This book is one in the series of 'Explaining ...' books, published in the UK. This is the 2013 edition of the title originally published in 2009. It addresses all the life stages in an easliy accessible format. Written for an upper primary (and older) audience, the book contains contemporary colour photos.

Can I Tell You About Down Syndrome? A guide for friends, family and professionals
Elizabeth Elliott, illustrated by Manjit Thapp, Jessica Kingsley publishers
Told as a first person narrative, from the point of view of David, who describes what it is like to have Down syndrome along with some concise explanations.

This book is suitable for a primary school aged (and above) audience, as well as parents, friends and classroom teachers.

Elizabeth Elliott is a child and adolescent psychiatrist and Chair at Downs Syndrome Research Foundation in the UK

Down Syndrome NSW members can contact Jo in the library via email to arrange a loan.

The Down Syndrome NSW library catalogue is available to view here.

... A section of self-advocacy? Yes please! And "The combination of genetics, environment, science, and love that makes every person unique is not erased or diminished by Down syndrome." Finally. Your kid is your kid is your kid ...

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