Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Nicola Grove in Melbourne (Video link available)

STORY WEBS: anecdotal narrative and the fabric of being
Human beings seem to spend a lot of their time together exchanging stories about their lives. These so-called “small stories” are now regarded as critical in building a sense of personal identity, relationships and communities, but are under-represented in research in intellectual disability.  This talk draws on Jayne Clapton’s metaphor of the fabric of integrality, and will illustrate some of the mechanisms whereby the exchange of stories helps to break down barriers and stigma in the lives of people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities.

Nicola Grove has been a teacher, speech and language therapist and university lecturer. She left her job at City London University in 2004 to set up the UK’s first company of storytellers with intellectual disabilities ( Since then she has been researching and developing ways of authentic storytelling for people with severe communication disabilities. She has worked internationally, in Japan, South Africa, Canada and Europe.

Dr Grove will be delivering the (Living with Disability Research Centre) LiDS March seminar at La Trobe University at 3pm on Wednesday 6 March.
If you would like to attend or join remotely via zoom, email Sophia Tipping -

If you are interested in Nicola Grove's work we have a couple of her books in our library.

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