Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Voting NSW State Election

Saturday 23 March 2019 is voting day in NSW. In NSW we have 4 year fixed term governments.
How do you cast your vote in the NSW election?
Step 1:
Verify that you are eligible to vote on the NSW Electoral Commission website

Step 2:
If you are not on the electoral roll then you will need to enrol to vote.
This can be done online on the Australian Electoral Commission enrol to vote webpage.
If you would like to use a paper form these can be obtained at a Australia Post office, an AEC office, or one can be mailed to you.
Best option is to read the AEC How to Enrol to Vote Easy English guide for details.

Step 3:
In the NSW election some people are allowed to cast their vote online (iVote) or over the telephone.
Eligibility criteria for iVote:
  • My residence is not within 20 kilometres, by the nearest practicable route, of a voting centre.
  • I cannot read or write, so I am unable to vote without assistance
  • I have a disability (within the meaning of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977) and because of that disability, I have difficulty voting at a voting centre or I am unable to vote without assistance
  • I am a silent elector.
  • I will be interstate throughout the hours of voting on election day.
  • I will be overseas throughout the hours of voting on election day.
  • I am a person who is blind or has low vision so I am unable to vote without assistance

More details about applying for iVote, and how to cast your vote this way, visit the NSW iVote website
Go forward and express yourselves democratically!

The NSW Council for Intellectual Disability have made a great video about how to vote
Watch it here

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