Saturday 28 July 2007

What do we do all day?

There is always something happening at Down Syndrome NSW - it is a much livelier place than you might imagine! The second half of 2007 is shaping up as a busy few months for us. Here's a run-down on the events planned so far:

All of this happens in addition to the day-to-day activities such as supporting families of newborns with visits, phone calls, resources and referrals (we have had nearly forty notifications of newborns up to the middle of July); taking inquiries by phone and email; visits by families and professionals to use the library and talk with staff; managing the library; publishing Updates and Newsletters and our Calendar; keeping the website up-to-date; fundraising and marketing (without which we cannot do our work); reporting to funding bodies; and managing the organisation. And there are meetings, and reading to keep up with the wider disabiiity sector, government and community happenings.

And then there's the UP! Club and the Up, Up and Away Project, both setting a brisk pace that leaves the rest us of breathless.

That's why this Blog doesn't get written more often ......

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