Tuesday 19 February 2008

We said the last six months would be busy .....

... and they were. But it's a new year, and this blog will be updated regularly. Here's a quick catch up:

We have a lot new things to tell you about - our favourite new discovery is The Journey Ahead: Consider the Opportunities, an excellent video for new and expectant parents, produced by the Down syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati, and made available online here (scroll down the page a bit), Such generosity is truly in the spirit of the founding families who first established Down Syndrome Associations from about thirty years ago: alive and well, and enhanced by technology – and still needed, all over the world. It’s a new generation of support, from a new generation of parents.

Gifts is proving to be a very popular book with our new families - we've ordered 20 new copies for our library so that we should always have one available. Woodbine House is the publisher - email us if you would like to borrow it, or for a list of local suppliers if you want to buy a copy.
Our New Parent pages have been tweaked and tidied up, with a new set of links added for those with a prenatal diagnosis. Five weeks into 2008, seven families with newborns had been referred to the Parent Support Team, so they have hit the ground running. This week the Parent Support Team is in Lismore on the beautiful Far North Coast meeting with families of young children and the professionals that provide services to them, providing updates about Down syndrome.

Two new blogs have been added to our list of those we read: IDEAS (a NSW disability information service) and Pinwheels (by the mother of twins, one of whom has Down syndrome). Click on the titles in the list at right to check them out.

On the social scene, Tracy Barker is again organising the popular Illawarra Black Tie Dinner for World Down Syndrome Month, on 28th March. And our Patron, Craig Wing, is hosting a major fundraiser, On a Wing and a Prayer in Sydney on 2nd April, with proceeds coming to Down Syndrome NSW.

1 comment:

  1. Gifts is a great book - glad to see it inlcuded. Jennifer at Pinwheels writes beautifully about many things so it is good to see her on your sidebar too!
