Tuesday 25 March 2008

Easter meets World Down Syndrome Day in the Blue Mountains

Kathi and Rob organised an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, on World Down Syndrome Day since this year it coincided with an unusually early Easter. And they don't let a little moisture stop anything too much in the Mountains:

Despite the fact that it poured with rain and the traffic was so congested that a few guests had to turn around and not come, we went ahead with the egg hunt and afternoon tea. The kids ran around looking for eggs in the rain and wet grass but didn't seem to mind and I think they found all the eggs??? About 40 people came and we raised $834.50 through a raffle and donations.
I didn't do everything that I thought about doing originally but it was nice to mark World Down Syndrome day in some way and hopefully everyone had a good enough time.

Thank you for braving the showers, kids and for fundraising while having fun - a great result for everyone.

The Newcastle Support Group are sending photos from their Fun Day too - hope to have them up in a few days!

Did you see the crowd at Melissa's Market Day on the Channel Ten News last week? People with Down Syndrome are everywhere! We knew that.

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