Thursday 20 March 2008

World Down Syndrome Day: 21st March (3/21)

Senator Sue Boyce wrote for the Brisbane Courier Mail today, on World Down Syndrome Day (21st March) ......

There seem to be dozens of "days" in every week these days, marking everything from arthritis to Zen Buddhism. But, for purely selfish reasons, one that I hope will cut through is World Down Syndrome Day, celebrated tomorrow.

The date, the 21st of the third, was chosen to reflect the fact that Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) is caused by a triplication of chromosome 21.

This year's WDSD is only the third. It has taken a long time for the global community formed around Down syndrome to come together.

Click here to read the whole article online.

In the US, World Down Syndrome Day was introduced by actor Chris Bourke, when he rang the NASDAQ closing bell last Monday, 17th March.
Click here for the story and photos.

Photos and stories from local events will be posted as they arrive. You can send them to - please tell us a bit about the event and who was there.

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