Thursday 16 October 2008

Draft policies on accommodation and respite services: minister's response to criticism

The newly appointed NSW Minister for Disability Services, Paul Lynch (MP for Liverpool) inherited the task of responding to community and sector consultation on two draft policies issued by the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (see this post from 27th August).

While the need to manage both supported accommodation and respite capacity effectively has been acknowledged, the language used in the drafts, the punitive nature and legality of some of the measures proposed, and the apparent lack of empathy for the very real needs of people with disabilities and their carers have been roundly criticized by a number of organisations that have published their responses and analyses.

Click here to read the Minister's initial reply to those who have submitted a response, which says in part:

"..... I am also taking notice of feedback received by the sector and wider community.

From my own meetings and conversations – and the response to the draft policy
– it is clear that some elements in the draft must be withdrawn or substantially

As a result, I have instructed the Department of Ageing, Disability and Home
Care to prepare new drafts of both policies as soon as possible."

Down Syndrome NSW response to the initial draft policies:

Click here for the NCOSS response to the initial draft policies.

Click here for Family Advocacy's analysis of the initial draft policies.

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