Thursday 16 October 2008

Economic Security Package: one-off payments for Disability Support Pensioners and carers

The Federal Government's announcement of the Economic Security Package includes one- off payments of $1400 to single people receiving the Disability Support Pension and Carer Payment ($2,100 for couples), and $1,000 payments for those receiving Carer Allowance (for each person being cared for).

The payments are scheduled to be made from 8th December. The payments will provide welcome financial relief for people receiving Disability Support Pensions and carer benefits while the Government's Review of Pensions continues, with recommendations due to be released early in 2009.

You do not have to contact Centrelink, or register in any way - the payments will be made automatically, into the account you have nominated with Centrelink for regular payments.

Details have been posted here on the Centrelink website

The joint media release from the Prime Minister and Treasurer is here

The Minister for Human Services's media release is here.

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