Monday 20 October 2008

Why Buddy Walk works .....

Buddy Walks were first held in the US around 1995, and have spread around the world. They began as an awareness activity - getting people with Down syndrome out in their own communities, with families and friends, making a gentle statement about living life like everyone else. It gives others an opportunity to stand up and be counted as advocates, just by their presence. And that is a good enough reason to hold one.

But wait, there's more. We have fun, we have a picnic, we get together with old friends, we meet new people, and sometimes we even raise some funds.

It can be whatever you want it to be on the day. Come for an hour or for the day.... bring lunch or try the sausage sizzle - or both! ..... bring the whole tribe, or come on your own, you'll soon meet up with others ..... join in all the games, or sit in the shade and catch the breeze ..... it's an easy, fun, relaxed day.

And you never know what people will notice, or what each individual will gain from the experience. Here are some overheard responses and stories from Sunday's Buddy Walk-Australia in Sydney .....

From various UP! Clubbers:

..... let’s go mingle and dance .....

..... we' re happy just chilling .....

..... Brooke, I did it, I finished the walk .....

..... its free, the Coke zero!.....

I don’t think I’ve ever seen the UP! Clubbers so relaxed and content! There was a great sense of achievement at Milson Park, the guys were proud about their contribution and the ultimate message of the day and happy just ‘relaxing in the park, talking to mates, eating a sausage sizzle, and soaking up the sun with friends (from Brooke, Up! Club Coordinator)

Slurpee machine, what else can you ask for!??

From other families:

Emily (7) has been on each of the three Sydney Buddy Walks, and this year she walked all the way by herself! Her Mum was very proud - and that's really something to look forward to, in future years, for parents who yesterday were struggling to carry their children by various methods.
During the picnic, the mother of a 2 yr old approached another Mum who has written occasionally to the Newsletter, to let us know how Ethan (now 10 ) is progressing. Ethan's Mum was thrilled to hear that her letters had provided inspiration and hope for another child's well being, and for his family. We know that happens very often, but to have it acknowledged personally is a special moment.

We had a wonderful day yesterday at the Buddy Walk in Sydney. We were tired in the evening though!!
We really did have a great day and I thought all the volunteers did a wonderful job directing us over the bridge and through the streets etc. We met up with some friends plus met some new people which is always nice. Jack did pretty well (considering last year we had him in the pram!) although he did like it on Dad’s shoulders!!

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