Sunday 19 October 2008

Buddy Walk-Australia, Sydney 2008: another very good day

Thank you to everyone who joined us today (Sunday 19th October) for Buddy Walk-Australia 2008, in Sydney. We had glorious sunshine, a leisurely walk across the Harbour Bridge to a beautiful waterside park in Kirribilli, and a gentle sea breeze .... perfect!

We don't know the exact numbers yet, but certainly more than 500 people helped to celebrate the lives of people with Down syndrome.

Congratulations to Priscilla Leong (DS NSW Events and Marketing Coordinator), who put months of planning into the Walk and her wonderful teams of volunteers, and to Tara Grech (of 'everyone can dance') who co-ordinated the picnic site. It all seemed effortless to those of us there as participants - but we know it wasn't!
Our thanks to
  • Buddy Walk Patron, Virginia Judge MP, Minister for Fair Trading & Citizenship, who cut the ribbon to start the Walk at Circular Quay West

  • all of the walkers - friends and families. You made the day!

  • those who provided the sausage sizzle, juice stand, coffee van, music (wasn't Tegan Rogers great?), dancing, and the fabulous amenities in this lovely location

  • the army pf volunteers who marshalled and guided, set up, kept things running, painted faces, ran games, sold raffle tickets, then packed and cleaned up

  • and of course, our very grateful thanks to everyone who bought raffle tickets, organised sponsorships, and made donations - your generosity is much appreciated

  • thank you all for cleaning up after your own group - it kept the final clean-up manageable, and left the park looking ready for its next event.

If you have photos from the Sydney, Wollongong, Newcastle or Wagga Wagga Buddy Walks, that you are willing to share, please email them to or to

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