Thursday 18 June 2009

Library Thursdays: Facing the Crowd

Facing the Crowd: Managing other people's insensitivities to your disabled child by Deborah Fulwood & Peter Cronin has been around for many years. It was first published in 1986 and the reprint in our library was done in 1997. But despite increased inclusion of people with Down syndrome in society, it is still relevant in 2009.  Many new parents are bewildered how to respond to people's remarks about their child. Fulwood & Cronin look at the types of remarks made as well as the types of people making them (loved ones, people you need on side, people you are stuck with and other children). They relate other people's experiences and give strategies and set responses to use.
This is a practical, easy book to read and recommended for anyone who feels weighed down by other people's remarks.
Fiona Place's article in this quarter's newsletter about the use of the R word is also relevant and helpful.
To borrow this book or if you have any queries about the library, call or email us.

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