Friday 19 June 2009

Which workshop was that?

It's good to see so many opportunities to tap into others' expertise and experience. We have posted about a number of workshops and seminars recently - here is a summary and links to those occurring in the next few weeks to help you keep track:

Dating Skills Workshops - adults 25+ (Saturday 20th and 27th June. Relationships and Private Stuff )

Workshop for teachers in special education (Wednesday 1st July. Down Syndrome NSW)

Updates in Developmental Disability Health (Thursday 9th July, 2009. Centre for Developmental Disability Studies, University of Sydney)

DADHC workshops available to Northern Metro families (various locations during July, Dept Ageing Disability and Home Care, Behaviour Intervention Service, Metro North)

After school - what then? (various metropolitan locations, late July. Family Advocacy

Planning for the Future (Saturday 8th August, 2009. Family Advocacy)

Healthier Lives – pathways to better health for people with intellectual disability (Sydney City, Tuesday 11 August, NSW Council on Intellectual Disability)

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