Friday 3 July 2009

Enhanced protection for the rights for people with disability

From PWD E-Bulletin, Issue 54, June 2009 (a publication of People With Disability Australia Inc):

On Thursday 25 June 2009, the Attorney General, the Hon Robert McClelland MP and the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Children’s Services, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, announced two major initiatives for human rights for people with disability:
  • the Disability Discrimination and Other Human Rights Legislation Amendment Bill 2008 was passed by both houses of the Federal Parliament;
  • the Australian Human Rights Commission will be given specific responsibilities for monitoring Australia’s implementation of the international Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
Human Rights Commissioner and Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes welcomed these initiatives as “milestones on a long road to equality and human rights for people with disability and their families”.

“Human rights for people with disability present some of the biggest emerging human rights issues in Australia and internationally, and it's great to see today’s announcement recognising that," Commissioner Innes said.

PWD is particularly pleased at the formal recognition given to the CRPD as part of the human rights framework within Australia. The Australian Human Rights Commission can now consider the rights contained in the CRPD and report to Government on how it is being implemented.

PWD will be seeking further information on the practical application of this initiative and providing information in future editions of E-Bulletin.

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