Saturday 4 July 2009

Restructure of NSW Government Departments and agencies - where will Disability Services fit?

Under the restructure announced recently by the Premier, the existing 160 NSW Government agencies are combined to create 13 ‘super-departments’ which in turn are grouped into 6 ‘Policy Groups.’ There remain 23 Ministers assigned to various policy areas within the super-departments.

The NSW Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care has been amalgamated into the NSW Department of Human Services, as part of the Social Development Policy Grouping.

The Department of Human Services will be headed by Ms Jennifer Mason, formerly the Director General of the NSW Department of Community Services. The Department of Community Services (DoCS) and the Department of Housing will also be grouped in Human Services.

View a diagram of the new super agency alignment.

Sources: PWD E Bulletin, Issue 54, June 2009; NSW Carers ebulletin, June 2009

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