Thursday 24 September 2009

Comedy is King - what a night!

Comedy is King was a wonderful night - there are many, many people to thank and congratulate. They will all be thanked individually and personally, this is a just a quick public recognition of a great night.

Brian Doyle and his fellow comedians

All of the entertainers, Richard Wilkins (MC), Michael Hawkins (auctioneer)

(Yes, that is a horse in the grand ballroom of the Westin Sydney - Greg Anderson and Stardust were a highlight of the excellent entertainment program)

The speakers: Joe Lawler, Anthony Bell, Gerard O'Dwyer, and Fiona Cohen. You painted such a vivid and personal picture of what Down Syndrome NSW does, why it matters, and the outcomes for people with Down syndrome and their families.

Our guests, who were such an appreciative audience, and very generous donors

Sponsors, donors and supporters

International Events and the Westin Hotel

And the best "ambassadors" for themselves, and for the organisation were, of course, the people with Down syndrome who attended - all of them "worked the room" with aplomb, engaging everyone they met, including the celebrities they claimed as their own.

Some of the comments we overheard .....

Is it true that your character is Bob Trimbole? A young man introducing himself to actor Roy Billing, referring to his Underbelly role, who replied, It sure is - would you like photo? Of course!

You look gorgeous! A young woman introducing herself, quite unselfconsciously, to Bessie Bardot, who did indeed look gorgeous in red. And so do you! came the reply, and she did.

Hearing Anthony Bell talk about working with Kevin really encourages me. Mother of an 11 yr old.

More photos later .....

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