Thursday 24 September 2009

Library Thursdays: Personal Stories

As noted previously, stories of other families' and individual's journeys with Down syndrome are amongst the most popular resources in the library. Our website also has links to some family stories
The NDSS(National Down Syndrome Society) in the U.S. has recently created a section on its website for stories called My Great Story. It uses a fancy interface to look like a book which takes a bit longer to load but the stories are interesting. I noticed some familiar names--Down Syndrome NSW member, Paul Doney, has a story listed. Tom Lambke, whose book, I just am, is in the library has a story. Sujeet Desai, American musician who has Down syndrome writes about travelling.  Others I enjoyed were Cardboard by Jolie Kanat and Morgan's View by Michelle Summers in the Families section.

Other stories to look out for is the new Gifts 2: How People with Down Syndrome Enrich the World, by the editor of Gifts: Mothers reflect on how children with Down syndrome enrich their lives.  The new book has stories by not just mothers but also siblings, grandparents, friends, aunts and uncles, cousins, teachers and others who know and care for people with Down syndrome. The library has ordered copies of this due in soon, so let us know if you'd like us to reserve one for you.

Other collections of stories in the Library are:
Windows into Heaven: Stories celebrating Down syndrome
Thicker than Water: Essays by adult siblings of people with disabilities
Opening the doors: the hidden lives of carers
Love you to Pieces: Creative writers on raising a child with special needs

A complete list of personal stories can be found in the Library Lists under Family Relations.
If you'd like to borrow these resources or any others from the library, just email us or call.

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