Sunday 4 October 2009

Raoef Mamedov photographic works

Russian photographer Raoef Mamedov's work featuring people with Down syndrome in scenes based on biblical texts can be viewed on the Lilya Zakirova Gallery website:

In a post-modern way this project combines cinematic theatre, photography, art history, theology and computer technology in twelve photographs of 80 by 60 cm (7 signed copies), depicting seven biblical scenes from the New Testament which are "enacted" by people with Down's syndrome.

The project includes scenes depicting the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Epiphany, the Vigil in the Garden of Gethsemane, the betrayal by Judas, an Ecce Homo, and most famously, the Last Supper, all reflective of renaissance artworks, but highly original in Mamedov's realisation. The hands of the people with Down syndrome are particularly expressive.

Descriptions of the work on the website are available in Dutch, German and English.

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