Sunday 4 October 2009

Support for National Disability Insurance Scheme

End the poverty of disability
Stephanie Peatling, Political Correspondent, Sun Herald, October 4, 2009

A national insurance scheme for people with disabilities is on the radar for the Rudd Government after persistent warnings the existing system is in crisis.

An expert panel established by the Government will recommend a feasibility study be commissioned to determine the cost.

''It's both economically rational and socially responsible,'' said Bruce Bonyhady, a member of the Disability Investment Group. He likened the introduction of such a scheme to the push for Medicare and superannuation. ''Despite our intention to minimise risk, stuff happens,'' Mr Bonyhady said.

.....The idea is being pushed by the parliamentary secretary for disabilities, Bill Shorten, who believes the existing system of care is inadequate and poorly targeted.

''There is a poverty of disability,'' Mr Shorten said. ''Disability has been seen as a welfare issue when it should be an economic one.''

Read the full report online here, and previous posts about he National Disability Insurance Scheme here.

National Disability Insurance Scheme website: The NDIS news service reports that Dr Rhonda Galbally will be addressing the National Press Club this Wednesday (7th October) on the Shut Out report, and on the need for a National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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