Monday 5 October 2009

Their merry dance still opens doors and warms hearts

Sue Williams
Sydney Morning Herald, October 5, 2009
When the Merry Maker dancers Lucinda Bryant and Scott Martin take the stage together, something magical always happens.

Eighteen years ago they won the City of Sydney Eisteddfod in the first year a dancer with disabilities was permitted to compete, and their photograph appeared on the front page of the Herald.
....the prize-winning pas de deux they performed has become a much-loved staple of Merry Makers' shows. Tomorrow they will perform it at Government House for the Governor, Marie Bashir, who will launch Love is in the Air, a book about the Merry Makers.
..... Martin, who has Down syndrome, is now 42 and never tires of dancing that duet. "I love it," he says. "But so many people always cry when they watch."

Click here to read the full story online, and the accompanying photo of Lucinda Bryant and Scott Martin from page three of this morning's Herald. The print report includes the original 1991 photo.
The Merry Makers website: - links to the new book "Love is in the Air" and the documentary "The Music in Me" are on the home page.

Click here for a listing of dance groups and classes on the Down Syndrome NSW website.

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