Sunday 28 February 2010

Carers NSW Carer Representation Program

The Carer Representation Program provides training, information and support to carers to enable them to act as Carer Representatives, representing Carers NSW and the wider body of carers.

The aim of the Carer Representation Program is to inform a range of professionals and the broader community of carers’ perspectives.

Carer Representatives activities include:

  • participation on committees, advisory groups etc;
  • guest speaking;
  • forums;
  • conferences;
  • media interviews;
  • focus groups.

Carers NSW is seeking the involvement of carers from diverse communities and backgrounds, with carers throughout metropolitan, regional and rural NSW invited to join the Carer Representation Program.

Service providers are encouraged to inform carers of this opportunity.

No experience is required, but an interest in getting the carers’ perspective heard is a must.

For more information please contact Alison Parkinson. Ph (02) 9280 4744 or email

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