Saturday 27 February 2010

Free online events about current research from DownsEd

Kathi road tested Down Syndrome Educational International's new program of "webinars" earlier this week, and reported that they more than lived up to our high expectations. Now there is a wonderful opportunity to find out about current research into aspects of Down syndrome - a very exciting initiative, just in from Down Syndrome Education International:

Find out more about our research at free online events
We are launching a series of online events presenting the current research activities of Down Syndrome Education International and our partners.

These live events are free to access online and by telephone for families, professionals and scientists worldwide.

Over the past 30 years, developmental and educational research (conducted by us and others) has increased what is known about the learning difficulties experienced by people with Down syndrome. This research has improved teaching techniques and transformed education for many thousands of young people with Down syndrome today. However, much remains to do. Many important questions remain unanswered and many specific interventions have not been sufficiently evaluated.

Our series of online events will present our current research activities and discuss how we are working to answer critical questions about development and education for children with Down syndrome.

Program outline:

Science fact and fiction - What research has delivered for people with Down syndrome and what it might deliver in the future?
Friday, 26 March 2010 (8:00 pm Sydney)

Research progress at Down Syndrome Education International – current projects and future priorities.
Friday, 23 April 2010 (6:00 pm Sydney)

Is autism being over-diagnosed? What do we learn from early autism screening?
Friday, 14 May 2010 (6:00 pm Sydney)

Can we improve children's problem solving skills? - pilot data and future plans.
Friday, 21 May 2010 (6:00 pm Sydney)

What are we learning about the links between signing and speaking?
Friday, 28 May 2010 (6:00 pm Sydney)

Developing and evaluating a classroom reading and language intervention - progress one year on.
Friday, 11 June 2010 (18:00 Sydney)

Can we improve children's working memory skills? - results of a small training study and next steps.
Friday, 18 June 2010 (6:00 pm Sydney)

Presenters will include Prof Sue Buckley, Stephanie Bennett and Dr Kelly Burgoyne.

Note that each event is being presented on two occasions - one of them (given here) kindly timed for Australasia and Asia. Families might well want to pass this news on to their child's school and/or therapists.

Visit DownsEd for more information about each event, and to register, and for more about the Sue Buckley Research Fund.

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