Wednesday 17 February 2010

Kids for Life "Enchanted Forest" Ball supports Down Syndrome NSW

We are pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale to the Kids for Life 6th Annual Black Tie Ball. Each year, the Kids For Life ball has been bigger and better than the last… and this year will be no exception.

As you enter our Enchanted Forest, you’ll be stepping into a world of glamour, entertainment and magic. Guests will experience exquisite food and wine, and fundraising fun for all.

There will be live and silent auctions, the always popular major raffle and a few other magical surprises, all hosted magnificently by the incomparable Adam Spencer.

Please join us and help raise much needed funds for our 2010 projects: the new Kids For Life Down Syndrome Resource Centre and the Kids For Life Sydney Children’s Hospital Epilepsy Program. Children affected with either Epilepsy or Down Syndrome across NSW desperately need a place to turn to, and all too often they’re not given access to the professional care and comfort they require. Kids For Life is committed to making a difference, and giving these kids and their families the respite they deserve.

So round up your friends, family and work colleagues, and buy your tickets today. As always, this will be a sell-out event.

We look forward to seeing you there,
The Team at Kids for Life

Date: Sat 27 March 2010, 6pm - 1am

Venue: Hordern Pavilion, Moore Park, Sydney

Dress: ‘Enchantingly’ in black tie

Tickets: $199 each, $1,990 table of ten

After: Kit & kaboodle from 1am
(free entry with ball ticket, transport from the Hordern provided)

RSVP: Fri 12 March 2010

Click here for further details and to purchase tickets

Click here to download a flyer that you can forward to friends

If for some reason you can’t make the night but would still like to help support our causes, simply head to our website to make a donation:

(Remember, all donations over $2 are tax deductible).

Click here for information about sponsorship opportunities

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