Saturday 13 February 2010

NSW Guardianship Tribunal call for expressions of interest, part-time members

The NSW Guardianship Tribunal is established under the Guardianship Act 1987. Its members are appointed by the Governor.

The Tribunal’s role is to hear applications to appoint guardians and financial managers for individuals who, by virtue of a decision making disability, are unable to manage their person or their finances. The Tribunal may review enduring powers of attorney and the appointment of an enduring guardian. The Tribunal may also provide consents to medical treatment for people incapable of consenting for themselves. The Tribunal is constituted by panels consisting of between one and five members.

Expressions of interest are called for from prospective

  • legal members
  • professional members
  • community members

Closing Date: Friday 26 February 2010.

Read more here .......

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