Tuesday 9 November 2010

Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register

The Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register is sponsored by the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, in partnership with Guide Dogs, Vision Australia, other low vision service providers, children with vision impairment and their families.
The Register is the first of its kind in Australia, and is capturing uniquely Australian data which will be used to improve services for children with vision impairment. The data is also available to researchers who work in the area of eye disease and disorders of vision
If you are a child or a parent or guardian of a child with a vision impairment, between the ages of 0-18 years, you are invited to join the Australian Childhood Vision Impairment Register. Once a child has joined they will be offered membership to Oz-VisKids - a free club for children and parents to learn more about vision impairment and the services offered in Australia.
Some children with Down syndrome are already registered and anyone that it can potentially help is invited.
More information and online registrations is available here. Send an email to Jill Watson jill.watson@ridbc.org.au  or call (02) 9872 0303 for more details.

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