Monday 8 November 2010

Inclusive research workshops - for people with intellectual disability

The Centre for Disability Studies, the University of Sydney, in conjunction with the Australasian Society for Intellectual Disability (ASID NSW) is presenting a series of 3 workshops in which people with intellectual disabilities and their supporters can learn how to plan and direct inclusive research into matters that interest and concern them.

By taking part in the 3 workshops (6 December 2010, 28th January 2011 and 18th March 2011), in Sydney (Ryde) you will see your research happening.

You’ll also get the chance to share what you’ve done at a mini conference day towards the end of 2011.

These workshops are ‘hands on’, enjoyable and empowering!

For a comprehensive brochure in Easy English, contact CDS: (02) 8878 0500 or email:

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