Thursday 30 December 2010

Library Thursdays: Most Popular of 2010

Popular resources for 2010 had a few differences but the top titles of course remain the new parents resources: Gifts: Mothers Reflect on how Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives, edited by Kathryn L. Soper and Down Syndrome: The First 18 months DVD by Will Schermerhorn.
The next most popular resources were also
for new parents: Babies with Down syndrome by Susan Skallerup and Development in Practice: Activities for babies with Down syndrome DVD by Down Syndrome Education International.

Next comes Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about their Bodies, Boundaries and Sexuality by Terri Couwenhoven,

Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome
by Dennis McGuire & Brian Chicoine,

Gross Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome by Patricia C Winders.

Roadmap to Holland by Jennifer Graf Groneberg,

Development in Practice: Speech and Language Activities for preschoolers with Down syndrome (a DVD produced by Down Syndrome Education International,

Three new titles round out the top ten:

the Australian Dance like Nobody's watching DVD directed by Liz Collins, narrated by Paul Matley about his life and what it means to have Down syndrome),

the revised edition of The New Social Story Book by Carol Gray,

and Gifts 2: How People with Down Syndrome Enrich the World, Kathryn L. Soper, ed.

With a few titles arriving at the end of the year that are already in high d
emand (Down Syndrome Education Conference DVDs and The guide to good health for teens and adults with Down syndrome by Dennis McGuire and Brian Chiccoine), there will be different 'most wanted' next year.

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