Wednesday 12 January 2011

Hanen Program information evening: February 2011, Inner West (Sydney)

Do you have a child with a language delay?
Do you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Are you interested in learning more about the Hanen Parent Programs® – courses that help parents learn strategies to assist their child’s communication development.

A FREE Information Evening discussing 3 of the Hanen Parent Programs®

It Takes Two To Talk®
More Than Words®

is being held on Thursday 17th February 2011 in Concord at 7 p.m. – venue to be advised.

The evening is being hosted by Heather Craven Certified Hanen Speech Pathologist.Parents can come along and hear about the programs and register their interest in attending a program during 2011.

For more information about the work of the Hanen Centre and the programs go to
For more information about Heather Craven go to 
To register your interest email:  or call 0418 629 028

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